When Art struggles, it succeeds; when revelling in its own successes, it as singularly fails.

When Art struggles, it succeeds; when revelling in its own successes, it as singularly fails.

Les cités idéales étaient une pensée sociale en trois dimensions.

...the Office's prime approach to architecture... is one of continuous ANTICIPATORY DESIGN.

the most important part of design is finding all the issues to be resolved. The rest are details

Forests were the first temples of God and in forests men grasped their first idea of architecture.

I don't know who you are," she thought, "but whoever you are, you're one hell of a player.

The only way to enjoy architecture is not just to look at it but to move around it and through it.

I don't know what London's coming to — the higher the buildings the lower the morals.

Authentic architecture is not the incarnation of the spirit of the age but of the spirit, full stop.

Good ideas come from everywhere. It's more important to recognize a good idea than to author it.

Architecture is what nature cannot make.Architecture is something unnatural but not something made up.

Viewed from a certain distance and under good light, even an ugly city can look like the promised land.

[The building] had been designed by an architect, so it bore little resemblance to any normal structure.

Architecture must concern itself continually with the socially beneficial distortion of the environment.