Nobody sees it happening, but the architecture of our timeIs becoming the architecture of the next time.

A basic principle of data processing teaches the folly of trying to maintain independent files in synchonism.

...architects (should) involve themselves continuously in anticipatory design as recommended by Buckminster Fulle

The sides of buildings should be like the tops of lakes. I’d fish through your window hoping to catch a smile.

The secret of architectural excellence is to translate the proportions of a dachshund into bricks, mortar and marble.

C.P. Office sees its particular product (buildings) as the readily recognisable parts of its continuous design process.

Software architecture is the set of design decisions which, if made incorrectly, may cause your project to be cancelled.

...In Jack Nasar's research on American's taste in homes, only one group preferred the modernist house: architects.

The white façades of the villas and apartment houses were like blocks of time that had crystallised beside the road.

If only people realized Corbusier is pure nineteenth century, Manchester school utilitarian, and that's why they like him.

Again, we find that the space standards of twenty-first century luxury are below the required minimum for dockworkers in 1962.

Nothing like that warm and fuzzy Soviet architecture ... Pretty much as close to the Klingon home world as you're gonna get.

We need houses as we need clothes, architecture stimulates fashion. It’s like hunger and thirst — you need them both.

Architecture appears for the first time when the sunlight hits a wall.The sunlight did not know what it was before it hit a wall.

Trinity Park lies directly across from the library, Trinity Church rising like a midieval thought amidst the glass and steel towers.