That awkward moment when you accidentally type two periods at the end of a sentence, and it completely changes the meaning..

That awkward moment when an ugly person says “I need my beauty sleep” when they really need to hibernate…

That awkward moment when Bruno Mars can’t catch the Grenade for u, because he’s having a “Lazy Day”.

That awkward moment when your electricity bill is really high because MGMT were turned on by the ‘electric feel’.

That awkward moment when you accidentally hold down the question mark key too long and now you sound demanding and impatient.

That awkward moment when you can’t understand what someone’s said even after they’ve repeated it four times.

That awkward moment when Rebecca Black actually gets on a bus and has a panic attack because there’s way too many seats.

That awkward moment when someone is trying to get on the elevator but the doors are closing and they make eye contact with you.

That awkward moment when people constantly say “You know?” Its like, why are you telling me stuff I know? You know?

The awkward moment when you’re passing a car, and you look at the people in the car and they’re staring at you too.

The awkward moment when you try to search for someone’s name and instead end up setting their name as your Facebook status.

That awkward moment when you misspell baby to your girlfriend and she thinks you’re cheating on her with a girl named abby.

That awkward moment when your gone for 2 weeks and expect to have like a ZILLION notifications but you end up only having like, 3.

That awkward moment when you realize that you are the most hilarious person on the planet and nobody will ever be as funny as you.

If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you’ve made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand