Give me your skin as sheer as a cobweb, let me open it up and listen in and scoop out the dark.

...remember that the danger that is most to be feared is never the danger we are most afraid of.

Dragons were a problem sometimes, but they only came on Tuesdays, so you could work around them.

Do you mind,” he asked politely, “if I slide my blade under your skin, just a little?

This was like being in one of those National Geographic magazines. We were among the natives now.

A fairy tale is the kind of story in which one king goes to another king to borrow a cup of suga

You'll get fired if anyone finds out about us!""So many rules in this century," Vane muttered.

I'm here because all fairy tales take place in the woods, King Cole, even those that don't.

Fairy tales are experienced by their hearers and readers, not as realistic, but as symbolic poetry.

Yesterday's fairy tale is today's fact. The magician is only one step ahead of his audience.

Plus, I happened to be a history nerd. Why else would I be interested in a guy born in the year 519?

Clichés are relatives of the fairy tale, and tropes aren’t bad; they go with the territory.

Classic fairy tales do not deny the existence of heartache and sorrow, but they do deny universal defeat.

...Myths aren’t fairy tales or legends—they’re an honest attempt to explain mysteries...

It doesn't matter if you're born in a duck yard, so long as you are hatched from a swan's egg!