I left the fairy tales lying on the floor of the nursery, and I have not found any books so sensible since.

If there is one ‘constant’ in the structure and theme of the wonder tale, it is transformation.

There is the great lesson of 'Beauty and the Beast,' that a thing must be loved before it is lovable.

Once upon a time – for that is how all stories should begin – there was a boy who lost his mother.

The strong belief can make things out of imagination.But that can also make facts as if they were fairy tales.

The last declaration he'd made to me hung between us. The L word. The one that had nothing to do with like.

Evil is also not anything small or close to home, and not the worst; otherwise one could grow accustomed to it.

You can do more with a castle in a story than with the best cardboard castle that ever stood on a nursery table.

Once I learned, I went online and ordered every romance novel I could find. They're fairy tales for grown-ups.

A make believe life doesn't win friends and influence people. It bores the crap out of those living the dream.

Why didn't my father get to give Mom the fairy tale? Why do most people fail to give each other the fairy tale?

Do you think we can be friends?” I asked.He stared up at the ceiling. “Probably not, but we can pretend.

Vane grabbed me. “DuLac, let’s chat.”Chat. British-speak for “Stand still while I yell at you.

Matt was almost completely naked. A tattered loincloth and an ugly chain with a yellow diamond were his only apparel.

Am I really standing here, conversing with a bloody unicorn?" Tiffy was certain her mind had finally left the building.