Equality is a myth to protect the weak. some of us are strong in the Force, others are not. Only a fool believes otherwise.

And, beginning to grind his teeth again, Pyotr Petrovich admitted that he'd been a fool--but only to himself, of course.

A sage is a former fool who has become tired of himself.A foolish sage is one who forgets this.Remember, or come full circle.

Some people can't be fooled on April Fool's Day because they were fooled too many times during their entire lifetime.

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, " This is new, and therefore better.

Through the window yesterday I saw a fool talking to himself, and it made me laugh, until I realized it was a mirrored window.

Death people who are still alive at this hour, must resurrect and ascend to the intellectual heaven where there is no ignorance.

You can be a writer who doesn't read everyday. But you're not fooling anyone. It shows, rather embarrassingly, in your work.

I am a fool with a heart but no brains, and you are a fool with brains but no heart; and we’re both unhappy, and we both suffer.

A science is any discipline in which the fool of this generation can go beyond the point reached by the genius of the last generation.

Love is the most precious gift you could ever possibly hope to steal. Some women foolishly do not leave their rib cages locked at night.

Solace, is having the same company for years, while being seen as a stranger. Here, only a fool would think he had the luxury of friends.

After everything, you still want to believe that love prevails, that in the end there will be justice. That is an illusion, and I pity you.

My love, my love, is a flame in the dark covered in glass. So glowingly beautiful to others on the outside, while slowly suffocating inside.

All people may not always know those who are not actually good, but they sooner or later get to know all those who are always relatively good.