While one may lose much because of avarice, nothing was ever accomplished by abstinence.

Every search for a hero must begin with something which every hero requires - a villain.

The only one is a hero - who builds bridges between cultures; and does not destroy them.

One courageous act can make you a hero but frequent courageous acts will keep you a hero.

Sometimes there were troubles but no one can be a hero without the heart being torn open.

A hero is not only a brave individual, but a brave individual that dares to be different.

The more details, depth and thought you put into your ideas the more valuable they become.

Faster than the devil *times* Sharper than wind! That's the ultimate law of the hero!!

Around the hero, everything becomes a tragedy.Around God, everything becomes what? a world?

Your best disguise is the strong impression your enemy has of you. Strong...and dead wrong.

A certain way to have financial security in life is not enough savings, but enough ability.

Leaders console the world with their speeches, heroes console the world with their actions.

An ordinary man gets arrogant with beauty, conceited with knowledge and ruthless with power.

Heroes, well, they don't live so long. But they're muy suave, and we all admire them.

Achilles’ eyes lift. They are bloodshot and dead. “I wish he had let you all die.