Marriage is one sweet way in which one can taste heaven on earth. Similarly, I can also become hell on earth.

The definition of a relationship is like a shower. You go in when it is cold, and come out when it is too hot.

Zane stole her breath and her common sense with just a smile. When he actually touched her, it was even worse.

I wish I could line up naked the men I've slept with and just gloat for a hot minute. Beautiful creatures.

I am sad, like the hot dust on the streetsAnd the music of fresh fallen leavesCaught in a sliding summer breeze.

My eyes went to him. "Your rule, honey. I can go put panties on." His eyes came to me. "You do, I get the strap.

The definition of a relationship is like a shower. You walk in when it is cold, and comes out when it is too hot.

So damn pigheaded. I’ve studied you, not to report you, Caspar, but because I want a relationship with you.

Discipline your sexuality for it has the proclivity to cause a productivity that can influence now and posterity.

I saw her standing across the room, and I thought, “Wow! Who is that sexy woman she’s standing next to?

Thankfulness opens the door and ushers in peace and joy like a blessed breeze on a hot and humid Louisiana summer day.

You have damaged me!" He finally murmurs with his hoarse voice. "I gave up earning $ 40,000.00 tonight!" ~Larsson TIGER

That weekend the city blushed with a great heat wave but on Monday it rained, cooling the ache in the street’s burn.

Let me rephrase.” He took a seething step toward me. “When it comes to you… I don’t like to share.

He peppers kisses all over my face. “It’s like… I breathe you babe. There is no other way to explain it.