Im Hunter. The guy who has sex like an animal. If you're with me. I'll fucking tear you to pieces" -Hunter (fierce)

In the stillness I find my heart growing hot while I seek the person I have already found. God is so much more than I know.

He was the kind of guy who made a women want to rip his shirt open and watch the buttons scatter along with her inhibitions.

Life doesn't stop due to weather. It doesn't matter if it's hot or cold, if you have work then you have to do it.

So I'd lie there, lingering in that space between sleep and consciousness, and let him touch me in all the ways he wanted.

He was sort of beautiful. In his own dark, depressing way, but still. She was going to miss that stupid fucking beautiful face.

The iron may not be hot early if you want to wait for it to get heated; it will get hot if you strike it hardly! Strike it now!

It’s Wednesday, and I just made a fresh batch of Thursdays. Buy one while they’re still hot! They go on sale Friday.

What do you want to be then ?"He crooks a finger under my chin,aiming those mysterious slate blue eyes into mine."Unforgettable.

What you see is kinda what you get with me. I'm a very real person, or I hope to be, anyway. I don't have nothing to hide

Where's Kahn?""In bed. You don't mind if I pet your little pink kitty? Do you?" I chuckled, "You mean my HOT DIGGITY DOG.

I will bathe in your warmth ma petite. Roll you around me until my heart beats only for you. My breath will grow warm from your kiss.

He leaned close to whisper in her ear, "Is there any other tension I can relieve for you, cher? I am willing and most certainly able.

I'm friends with a guy who is friends with a former Playboy model. So I guess you could say I'm 1 degree away from 212 degrees.

My favorite salad dressing is vodka. And my favorite ice cream flavor is coffee, though I prefer it melted and hot enough to burn flesh.