However, I have an enormous desire to change his way of life and try to re-educate him with the ingredient called ardent affection.~Emily

A Christian’s heart for God should be like a teakettle on a flaming stove burner—hot to touch, visibly steaming, and audible.

Because sometimes it’s just so good that it’s like all they have to do is touch you and, you are 50,000 degrees hot for them.

wen thectaste of my own medicine is given to me results into silent treatment,its not bitter therefore i enjoy the medicine i gave you too.

Got a pair just like those. Never seen 'em lookin' like that though." "Like what?" Sauntering away from her, I smirked. "Sexy as fuck.

77 degrees in the fall feels cold, and 77 degrees in the spring feels hot. That’s why I’m selling year-round-nudity for half-price.

First you're going to get your sweet little ass down from there and bend over the counter while I show you who the fuck is boss around here.

Bella,leave the aggressive stuff to me." My heart quirks in my chest. I may not like this guy but that sounded so hot. "Um..." Focus,focus. "What?

Yes, sweeting, I think you're incredibly sexy. And I would love nothing more than to take you back to my place and make your toes curl."-Kyrian

Two things compel me to move. First, the fear of being alone. I don’t want to be alone here. Second, the aching need to beat Blake in any way.

Lo único que significa es que, aunque nos cueste comunicarnos a nivel mental, nuestros cuerpos no encuentran ninguna dificultad para hacerlo.

She looked like the kind of woman I could fall in love with. Trouble is, she was standing next to the kind of woman I’d like to make love to. 

He was smoking hot. As in H-O-T-T, hott. I’d never understood until that moment why girls insisted on adding an extra t. This guy was extra-t-worthy.

A wicked curve appears on his lips. “No, you’re wrong. I’m allowed to say whatever I want. What I’m not allowed to do is what I want.

I had a dream last night I was on tinder and all the picks were me in make up I was like she's hot I'd do her. I just walked into my therapist office.