Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.

I thought dwarfs loved gold," said Angua."They just say that to get it into bed.

The trouble with eating Italian is that 5 or 6 days later, you're hungry again.

—Elle m'a pas recconue!—C'est parce qu'elle vous a jamais vue.

Moral," said Vale."That's an interesting adjective to apply to 'genocide'.

Unless you can start some worldwide crime wave, I haven’t the strength to defy him.

I'm sorry, honey. I'm sure if you were a terrorist, you'd make a wonderful one

I said never mix business with pleasure. They said it was a pleasure doing business with me.

Detective John Tallow, 1st Precinct.""You," said Scarly. "I hate you so much my dick is hard.

Girls who read understand that people, like characters, develop. Except in the Twilight series

Do you realise how much trouble you're in?""Perhaps I'll have some Weetabix after all.

I have seen many a face that was more good-looking — never one that looked half so good.

There's nothing like a headless corpse to bring a touch of excitement into one's life.

Only the great warriors fall down from their horses; one would not fall who rides a donkey cart.

Special Post-Super Bowl Wisdom of the Ages: "Eating Crow" This year, it just tastes like Seahawk.