You can't build a peaceful world on empty stomachs and human misery.

I could smell the food fill up my hunger before the order was even placed.

Water quench thirsts, food quenches hunger while sex quenches lust or love

While many of us give to the hungry orphan, we have forgotten to love her.

However gnawing a deficiency, satiety is worse... We are meant to be hungry.

Previous experience had taught me that any expedition marches on its stomach.

We were born beggars, we will live like beggars and we will die like beggars.

Nature is hungry. It is ready to take back what the man stole from it by living.

We moderns are great compartmentalizers, perhaps never more so than when hungry.

Hunger of choice is a painful luxury; hunger of necessity is terrifying torture.

He didn't like to be seen needing it - as if hunger were a sign of weakness.

I am born hungry. Ravenous. I want to eat the world, and I can never be satiated.

Hungry people should be fed. It takes some people a long time to figure this out.

Never in my life had I seen such a slim nothing of a figure eat like such a terror.

Poverty has a way of taking the edge off principles. Hunger can blunt them altogether.