I’m sexually attracted to statues made out of decomposing food. Is it normal to be hungry during intercourse?

Those who replace love in people’s life with bread, are deceitful, and call their deceit “pious”.

When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.

When you give yourself to me, completely, I will bite you. Until then, my love, I will only nibble on you.”~Cole

To a hungry person, every bitter food is sweet. When the preferable is not available, the available becomes preferable!

The real cause of hunger is the powerlessness of the poor to gain access to the resources they need to feed themselves.

But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.

I would kill for a cheeseburger. Honestly. If I stumbled across someone eating a cheeseburger, I would kill them for it.

We have not reached the consensus that to eat is a basic human right. This is an ethical crisis. This is a crisis of faith.

True hunger was a weapon stronger than any of his abstract desires. It’s what toppled countries and made men desperate.

Hungry and thirsty? Soup solves both problems at once. My love for you is starved and dehydrated, and all I need is one spoon.

... a hunger that is more than simply material connects the human who feeds the chickens to the chickens that feed the humans.

The pain of hunger beneath everything. At the end of all love-making, the dreamless sleep after the orgasm, which is like death.

Every time I look at my wallet; I don’t care how much money is there, I just want to know, does it make for this time food?

We need houses as we need clothes, architecture stimulates fashion. It’s like hunger and thirst — you need them both.