Some people prefer eating dessert to the main course. These people have never been really hungry.

There’s something to be said forhunger: at least it lets you know you’re still alive.

Feeding the family trumps conviction every time, Mary though, a basic law of the human condition.

Everyday 25,000 people die from poverty and hunger. And we have forgotten that they are also human.

There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.

The word of lust touches the body, the word of love touches the soul: feed the soul and starve the body.

Half of the world population is dying from poverty and hunger and still you think you are not rich enough.

Verden var et jævelig sted, det hendte så mye som jeg verken kunne begripe eller forstå.

hey. I just wanted to make sure you got home," I say. "Katniss, I live three houses away from you," he says.

One who is hungry for growth, doesn't requires motivation and training.. He just needs an opportunity...

Governments neither help us to get out of poverty and hunger, nor let us die. It is time that we must pick one.

With the exception of a gun, starvation is the only thing that is capable of making an insane man lose his mind.

Feel what it's like to truly starve, and I guarantee that you'll forever think twice before wasting food.

Pa gen lape nan tet, si pa gen lape nan vant (there is no peace in the head if there is no peace in the stomach).

Coffee is the anti-sleep, and I drink it like I eat ice, because I’m thirsty—and hungry for alertness.