If life is a game I wish you Game Set and Match; If life is a journey I wish you a walk on the rose petals; If life is a joy I wish for you an eternal smile Good Luck

Luck is yours wish is mine; May your future always shine Good Luck

Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it Good Luck

Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it Good Luck

Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity Best of Luck

Always learn to be a servant; And then you will be fit to be a master Good Luck

Changing the face can change nothing; But facing the change can change everything Good Luck

Motivation is what gets you started Habit is what keeps you going May Good Luck also aid you to success

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength While loving someone deeply gives you courage Good Luck

May God grant you a Sun to warm you A Moon to charm you An angel so no one can harm you Wish you best of luck

Fly in the plane of ambition and land in the airport of success Luck is yours wish is mine May your future always shine

Are you hungry? Never mind - I have two bowls One for wishes and the other for luck Wishes are mine and the Luck is yours

Trusting God won t make the mountain smaller but it will make climbing easier Hope you climb yours effortlessly Good Luck

May God stay with you this day and give you peace of mind May God give you a happy heart and his love all the time Good Luck

The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it but that it is too low and we reach it Good Luck