I d rather have an enemy who slaps me in the face rather than a friend who stabs me in the back

Making mistakes does not mean you`re a failure it just means you`re trying and learning in life

Maturity is not when we start speaking big things It is when we start understanding small things

If you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain; in order to love you gotta risk the pain

Before you assume learn Before you judge understand Before you hurt feel Before you say think

Criticism should be like gentle rain that helps the crops to nourish not to create flood destroy

When one doesn t learn lessons at the right time life teaches the same lessons at the wrong time

Don t tell me that worry doesn t do any good I know better The things I worry about never happen

If you do everything with the feeling of happiness there will be no task too difficult to perform

Two fundamentals of life: Walk like you are the king Or walk like you don t care who is the king

Thought for the day: Running away from a problem will only increase the distance from the solution

When you work don’t expect your talent to be discovered Work hard because it makes you happy

We must stop assuming that a thing which has never been done before probably cannot be done at all

God has given us brain to store good things in its hard disk leave no space for junk or bad viruses

The best way to live a miserable life is to pay attention to what other people are saying about you