Possibility or impossibility does not depend on the size of our belief Have belief to make everything possible

Weak people believe in revenge Strong people believe in forgiving And intelligent people believe in ignoring

No one can destroy iron but it s own rust can Likewise no one can destroy a person but one s own mind set can

We always feel that good things happen only to others but we always forget that we are others for someone else

Never feel all doors are closed in your life All doors may not be locked they may be waiting for ur gentle push

You are 3 people: 1)The one u think u r [BODY] 2)The one others think u r MIND] 3)The one you really r [DIVINE]

Death is not the greatest loss in life the greatest loss is when the goodness dies inside us while we are alive

SMILE Because it makes you attractive; It changes your mood; It relieves stress; And it helps you stay positive

Walk away from anything or anyone who takes away from you your happiness Life is too short to put up with fools

An excellent saying: Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep

Take vacations and go to as many places as you can go You can always make money you can t always make memories

Forgiving people who have hurt you is your gift to them Forgetting people who have hurt you is your gift to you

Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do something to love and something to hope fo

Giving someone a second chance is like giving an extra bullet for the gun because they missed you the first time

A joke does not sound laughable if you have heard it before Then why let the same pain hurt you more than once?