Time does not heal wounds. It's a body's ritual that does. The instinctual cleansing with rain or other waters, the application of salves. Despite the sting. Even neglected, the body begins to take care. To repair itself. Blood clots, tissues regenerate, flesh scars. Soon, the thin white line is the only evidence of the pain. It is the body, not time. Time does nothing except create distance between the body and that which caused it harm. Recollection of fear can be stronger than the original fear itself. Similarly, bliss is sometimes more vivid when recollected. How else do you explain longing? Longing for what has already passed. That's the real pain. But you insisted, you pried with your fingers to see. You retuned to me after I turned away. You made me recollect for you, collect again and again for you, interrupting the healing with your curiosity. Now that I have given you the words, you may long for them. You may miss me. You may try to find the notes to the song again and again and won't be able to find them. Perhaps, the wounds I made will already have begun to scar. Maybe the body will have begun its ritual of forgetting. I told you not to ask for haunted, not to ask me to recollect. Because recollection is like tearing at closed wounds. Like pealing back the careful tissue put there by the body to make it safe. And because remembered pain is always worse than the original pain, because this time it is expected. This time you already know how much it will hurt.

The United States alone sports an inventive spectrum of psychotherapeutic sects and schools: Freudians, Jungians, Kleinians; narrative, interpersonal, transpersonal therapists; cognitive, behavioral, cognitive-behavioral practitioners; Kohutians Rogerians, Kernbergians; aficionados of control mastery, hypnotherapy, neurolingustic programming, eye movement desensitization- that list does not even complete the top twenty. The disparate doctrines of these proliferative, radiating divisions, often reach mutually exclusive conclusions about therapeutic propriety: talk about this, not that; answer questions, or don’t; sit facing the patient, next to the patient, behind the patient. Yet no approach has ever proven its method superior to any other. Strip away a therapist’s orientation, the journal he reads, the books on his shelves, the meetings he attends- the cognitive framework his rational mind demands – and what is left to define the psychotherapy he conducts?Himself. The person of the therapist is the converting catalyst, not his order or credo, not his spatial location in the room, not his exquisitely chosen words or denominational silences. So long as the rules of a therapeutic system do not hinder limbic transmission - a critical caveat - they remain inconsequential, neocortical distractions. The dispensable trappings of dogma may determine what a therapist thinks he is doing, what he talks about when he talks about therapy, but the agent of change is who he is. (186/7)

Why do I take a blade and slash my arms? Why do I drink myself into a stupor? Why do I swallow bottles of pills and end up in A&E having my stomach pumped? Am I seeking attention? Showing off? The pain of the cuts releases the mental pain of the memories, but the pain of healing lasts weeks. After every self-harming or overdosing incident I run the risk of being sectioned and returned to a psychiatric institution, a harrowing prospect I would not recommend to anyone.So, why do I do it? I don't. If I had power over the alters, I'd stop them. I don't have that power. When they are out, they're out. I experience blank spells and lose time, consciousness, dignity. If I, Alice Jamieson, wanted attention, I would have completed my PhD and started to climb the academic career ladder. Flaunting the label 'doctor' is more attention-grabbing that lying drained of hope in hospital with steri-strips up your arms and the vile taste of liquid charcoal absorbing the chemicals in your stomach. In most things we do, we anticipate some reward or payment. We study for status and to get better jobs; we work for money; our children are little mirrors of our social standing; the charity donation and trip to Oxfam make us feel good. Every kindness carries the potential gift of a responding kindness: you reap what you sow. There is no advantage in my harming myself; no reason for me to invent delusional memories of incest and ritual abuse. There is nothing to be gained in an A&E department.

In response to threat and injury, animals, including humans, execute biologically based, non-conscious action patterns that prepare them to meet the threat and defend themselves. The very structure of trauma, including activation, dissociation and freezing are based on the evolution of survival behaviors. When threatened or injured, all animals draw from a "library" of possible responses. We orient, dodge, duck, stiffen, brace, retract, fight, flee, freeze, collapse, etc. All of these coordinated responses are somatically based- they are things that the body does to protect and defend itself. It is when these orienting and defending responses are overwhelmed that we see trauma.The bodies of traumatized people portray "snapshots" of their unsuccessful attempts to defend themselves in the face of threat and injury. Trauma is a highly activated incomplete biological response to threat, frozen in time. For example, when we prepare to fight or to flee, muscles throughout our entire body are tensed in specific patterns of high energy readiness. When we are unable to complete the appropriate actions, we fail to discharge the tremendous energy generated by our survival preparations. This energy becomes fixed in specific patterns of neuromuscular readiness. The person then stays in a state of acute and then chronic arousal and dysfunction in the central nervous system. Traumatized people are not suffering from a disease in the normal sense of the word- they have become stuck in an aroused state. It is difficult if not impossible to function normally under these circumstances.

McKay had worn the wings in the world war with honor, flying first with the French and later with his own country's forces. And as a bird loves the trees, so did McKay love them. To him they were not merely trunks and roots, branches and leaves; to him they were personalities. He was acutely aware of differences in character even among the same species - that pine was benevolent and jolly; that one austere and monkish; there stood a swaggering bravo, and there dwelt a sage wrapped in green meditation; that birch was a wanton - the birch near her was virginal, still a-dream.The war had sapped him, nerve and brain and soul. Through all the years that had passed since then the wound had kept open. But now, as he slid his car down the vast green bowl, he felt its spirit reach out to him; reach out to him and caress and quiet him, promising him healing. He seemed to drift like a falling leaf through the clustered woods; to be cradled by gentle hands of the trees.He had stopped at the little gnome of an inn, and then he had lingered, day after day, week after week.The trees had nursed him; soft whisperings of leaves, slow chant of the needled pines, had first deadened, then driven from him the re-echoing clamor of the war and its sorrow. The open wound of his spirit had closed under their green healing; had closed and become scar; and even the scar had been covered and buried, as the scars on Earth's breast are covered and buried beneath the falling leaves of Autumn. The trees had laid green healing hands on his eyes, banishing the pictures of war. He had sucked strength from the green breasts of the hills.("The Women Of The Woods")

If you have decided to consult me today, it is probably because you have a personal problem to resolve. Whether it is a problem involving Money, Love Justice Revenge or Affection or even a serious problem of Bad Luck… You should know that something can be done and am ready to give you my uncommonly effective Help.Yes, i can Act for you and make your life change above and beyond what you could imagine today.beware of imposters & scamsI am considered one of the most powerful spell casters with white and black magick. I can help you, no matter if you had spell cast recently that failed, or if this is the first time you have a spell cast. I have a big range of powerful spells to use for your needs. What outcome do you want? Powerful spells with fast results You might wonder how the spells will affect you? Will the spell be helpful? YES! The spells I cast for you will not have any unwanted side effects such as bad Karma. As long as the intentions are pure out of love as I am sure they are, right?. Magick is actually an energy from mother earth that can be controlled. You yourself might even be able to do it after years of practice. Excellent spell casting service I give 100% in every spell casting and as a professional I make sure all goes right. I give 100% to make you satisfied with my service. If you have a complex situation then I urge you to contact meWant your lover back? Attract a specific person Spells to get married Spells to help a relationship/ stop a divorce Spells for badluck and curse removals Spells to help retrieve a lost lover Spells toboost your financial status Spells for winning cases/Justice Even spells to get rid of an unwanted lover And much much more! Have a serious problem that needs fixing? +27784634791

When I was 15 years old, I came in contact with my first ashram, my first spiritual commune, in the form of Ljusbacken ("The Hill of Light") in Delsbo in beautiful Halsingland in the north of Sweden. Ljusbacken consisted of an international gathering of yogis, meditators, therapists, healers and seekers of truth. It was on Ljusbacken that I for the first time came in contact with my path in life: meditation.It was also on Ljusbacken that I meet people for the first time in my 15 year old life, where I on a deep wordless level felt that I meet people, who were on the same path as me. It was the first time that I meet people, who could put words on and confirm my own inner thirst after something that I could only occasionally sense vaguely, like some sort of inner guiding presence, or like a beacon in the distant far out on the open and misty ocean. For the first time in my life, I meet brothers, sisters and friends on the inner path. It was also on Ljusbacken that I meet the mystery called love for the first time in my 15 year old life. With my 15 year old eyes, I watched with wide eyed fascination and fear filled excitement the incomprehensible mystery, which is called woman.My own thirst after truth, together with my inner guiding light, resulted in an early spiritual awakening when I was 15 years old. It led me back to the inner path, which I have already followed for many lives. It led me back to a life lived with vision, with dedication and meaning, and not only a life governed by the endless desires of the ego, a mere vegetating without substance between life and death. It led me to explore the inner journey again, to discover the inner being, the meditative quality within, and to come in intimate contact with the endless and boundless ocean of consciousness, like the drop surrenders to the sea. At the source, the drop and ocean are one.

The ORDINARY RESPONSE TO ATROCITIES is to banish them from consciousness. Certain violations of the social compact are too terrible to utter aloud: this is the meaning of the word unspeakable.Atrocities, however, refuse to be buried. Equally as powerful as the desire to deny atrocities is the conviction that denial does not work. Folk wisdom is filled with ghosts who refuse to rest in their graves until their stories are told. Murder will out. Remembering and telling the truth about terrible events are prerequisites both for the restoration of the social order and for the healing of individual victims.The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud is the central dialectic of psychological trauma. People who have survived atrocities often tell their stories in a highly emotional, contradictory, and fragmented manner that undermines their credibility and thereby serves the twin imperatives of truth-telling and secrecy. When the truth is finally recognized, survivors can begin their recovery. But far too often secrecy prevails, and the story of the traumatic event surfaces not as a verbal narrative but as a symptom.The psychological distress symptoms of traumatized people simultaneously call attention to the existence of an unspeakable secret and deflect attention from it. This is most apparent in the way traumatized people alternate between feeling numb and reliving the event. The dialectic of trauma gives rise to complicated, sometimes uncanny alterations of consciousness, which George Orwell, one of the committed truth-tellers of our century, called "doublethink," and which mental health professionals, searching for calm, precise language, call "dissociation." It results in protean, dramatic, and often bizarre symptoms of hysteria which Freud recognized a century ago as disguised communications about sexual abuse in childhood. . . .

I believe the perception of what people think about DID is I might be crazy, unstable, and low functioning. After my diagnosis, I took a risk by sharing my story with a few friends. It was quite upsetting to lose a long term relationship with a friend because she could not accept my diagnosis. But it spurred me to take action. I wanted people to be informed that anyone can have DID and achieve highly functioning lives. I was successful in a career, I was married with children, and very active in numerous activities. I was highly functioning because I could dissociate the trauma from my life through my alters. Essentially, I survived because of DID. That's not to say I didn't fall down along the way. There were long term therapy visits, and plenty of hospitalizations for depression, medication adjustments, and suicide attempts. After a year, it became evident I was truly a patient with the diagnosis of DID from my therapist and psychiatrist. I had two choices. First, I could accept it and make choices about how I was going to deal with it. My therapist told me when faced with DID, a patient can learn to live with the live with the alters and make them part of one's life. Or, perhaps, the patient would like to have the alters integrate into one person, the host, so there are no more alters. Everyone is different.The patient and the therapist need to decide which is best for the patient. Secondly, the other choice was to resist having alters all together and be miserable, stuck in an existence that would continue to be crippling. Most people with DID are cognizant something is not right with themselves even if they are not properly diagnosed. My therapist was trustworthy, honest, and compassionate. Never for a moment did I believe she would steer me in the wrong direction. With her help and guidance, I chose to learn and understand my disorder. It was a turning point.

Underlying the attack on psychotherapy, I believe, is a recognition of the potential power of any relationship of witnessing. The consulting room is a privileged space dedicated to memory. Within that space, survivors gain the freedom to know and tell their stories. Even the most private and confidential disclosure of past abuses increases the likelihood of eventual public disclosure. And public disclosure is something that perpetrators are determined to prevent. As in the case of more overtly political crimes, perpetrators will fight tenaciously to ensure that their abuses remain unseen, unacknowledged, and consigned to oblivion.The dialectic of trauma is playing itself out once again. It is worth remembering that this is not the first time in history that those who have listened closely to trauma survivors have been subject to challenge. Nor will it be the last. In the past few years, many clinicians have had to learn to deal with the same tactics of harassment and intimidation that grassroots advocates for women, children and other oppressed groups have long endured. We, the bystanders, have had to look within ourselves to find some small portion of the courage that victims of violence must muster every day.Some attacks have been downright silly; many have been quite ugly. Though frightening, these attacks are an implicit tribute to the power of the healing relationship. They remind us that creating a protected space where survivors can speak their truth is an act of liberation. They remind us that bearing witness, even within the confines of that sanctuary, is an act of solidarity. They remind us also that moral neutrality in the conflict between victim and perpetrator is not an option. Like all other bystanders, therapists are sometimes forced to take sides. Those who stand with the victim will inevitably have to face the perpetrator's unmasked fury. For many of us, there can be no greater honor. p.246 - 247Judith Lewis Herman, M.D. February, 1997

[ALL-PANASONIC-PROPERTIES>INTERNATIONAL>>FORTUNE>TELLER>PSYCHIC AND ASTROLOGER HEALER>ALL COUNTRIES>[ONLINE]FROM AFRICA>-North Dakota,Bismarck,Fargo,Grand Forks,Minot>>I have all the experience need to understand how i can help you with your unique situation. I analyse your situation and help you sort all your problems.You have entered into a light upon which few are privileged to experience.Witchcraft Spells brings you the most exclusive spells that can change your life! Experience ancient witchcraft that is reliable and effective in helping you alter your real world,CONTROLLING YOUR OWN DESTINY If you've been feeling like other people or circumstances keep getting in the way of what you want your life to be like, and they are somehow driving your life in a direction you don't want to go in, then am just the spellcaster you've been looking for! I am providing some of the most life changing moments in people’s lives. Should you choose to enter the light, I invite you to choose a spell that best suits your needs. For how long have tears been rolling down your beautiful face, ican help you in all as have listed 1. Finding balance and happiness in life. 2. Fulfill your life’s purpose & destiny. 3.Bring back your lost lover no matter the distance and period, make him/her only obey and listen to you. 4. Guarantee that you’re loved and trusted by those close to you. 5. Ensure that you get promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career. 6. Get married to the love of your life and seal up your marriage with eternal happiness. 7. Eliminate family fights between family and members and ensure peace and harmony at home. 8. Attract customers to your business and turn your trade into a favourite among clients. 9. Bring super natural luck into your life to win chance games like lotto, casino, dice etc. 10. Bring back to see your enemies and make demands on them using a mirror. 11. Remove the black spot in your hands that keeps taking away money. 12. Find out why you’re not progressing in life and the solution. 13. Stop your marriage or affair from breaking apart. 14. Cleans your space, business, land and home. 15. Ensure success as you get rich quickly. 16. Creating divorce if you are tired of your partner. 17. Help you win your court case no matter how haerd or big it may seem. 18. Help you win elections, political issues etc You can call me for more details on +27737414606 or whatsapp mama sonia

Healing is the way of the heart. This book is an invitation to open our heart. Healing is a love affair with life.Healing is pure love. Love is what creates healing. Spiritual healing is to be one with ourselves. And to be one with ourselves is to be in joy.Healing is to develop our inner being. Healing is to discover that which is already perfect within ourselves. It is to rediscover our inner life source. Spiritual healing is to be one with life. We are never really alone, it is our idea of a separate "I" that creates the feeling of being separate from life, from the Whole.In reality there is only one heart, a pulsating Existential heart. Our own heart pulsates in unity with the Existential heartbeats. We are all notes in the Existential music, and without our unique note the music would not be complete. We are all needed in the Whole; we all have our unique fragrance, quality and gifts to contribute to the Whole.More than 30 years ago, I had an individual consultation with a spiritual teacher. I did not have time to sit down before I got the question: "You are interested in healing, are you not?" It was the first time that I encountered the topic that would become my way and deep source of joy in life. This spiritual teacher finished the consultation saying: "You will be a fine healer."The art of healing is the psychology of being, the science of inner transformation. The psychology of being begins where Western psychology ends. It goes beyond Skinner, Freud, Jung, Rogers, Maslow and humanistic psychology. The psychology of being is the psychology of consciousness, a psychology for inner transformation. It is not basically a question of psychology, it is a question of being. The psychology of being begins where we are, and take us to everything that we can be.The underlying theme the psychology of being is meditation - but not meditation as a static technique - but as the capacity to BE with ourselves and others in a quality of watchful awareness, acceptance and realization.The art of being is a search beyond the personality. It a search beyond the thoughts, the emotions and the learned attitudes of the personality, to the inner being, to the depth within, which is hidden in ourselves.The inner being is a deep acceptance of ourselves as we are; the inner being is to be available to life. The inner being is to be in unity with life. This book is an invitation to meet the inner being, our inner source of love, joy, acceptance, humor, intuition, understanding, wisdom, truth, silence and creativity.

{^NO.1 TOP AWARDED>LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER+=CURSE*VOODOO^PROTECTION$BLACK MAGIC@ +27737414606 MAMA SONIA FROM-_cities in australia Australian Capital Territory| New South Wales| Northern Territory| Queensland| South Australia|Tasmania|Victoria| Western Australia|ReferencesMAMA SONIA THE NO1 BLACK MAGIC EXPERT & SPELL CASTER +27737414606Are you looking for a powerful, Witch? Here is MAMA SONIA the Witch, after years of successful casts. She has all the experience needed to understand how she can help you with your unique situation. She analyses your situation and help you. Are you really looking for a spell caster who can sort all your problems? Tell her about your situation.Revenge spells are cast very carefully in order to avoid any backfire, unlike the revenge spells cast by many of other spell casters who can be dangerous. You can check below the list of spells that I'm often being asked, but don't worry if your situation isn't explicitly described, you can still contact me and tell me about your situation, and I will check out if I can do something for you.REVERSE A CURSE AT SOMEONEDid someone cast a malicious spell upon you? If so, you can remove the effects of this spell with a protection spell, but you can also reverse the effects of the spell back to this person. It will take only a few days before that spell work. If you want, you can also ask me to enhance the effects of the curse so that the payback really worth it.PHYSIC CURSE ON SOMEONE/In fact, it's not one spell that we will discuss here, but many spells. Each spell can have a specific effect on the physical health of someone. Therefore, you can cast a spell to have the following effects: make someone hairs fall, make someone teeth fall, make someone nails fall. If you ask me, I can also make the opposite and increase enormously the rise of hairs of any part of the body, or cause to someone intense stomach pain. For the most powerful spells of this category, know that you can also make someone blind or deaf..Tel: +27737414606Black Magic Psychic and Spell Caster { LOST LOVE SPELLS}Lost Love Spell or Spells are used or performed, if you have lost your love and all the efforts that you have tried have failed and there is no way that you can get your love back. Lost love spell will bring your love back to you unconditionally. Also if your love is with some one else then by the power of this spell your love will break his or her relation and he or she will be with you.ATTRACTION SPELLDramatically improve your "curb" appeal. This spell brings your inner beauty to the surface, allowing others to see your sex appeal, your intriguing personality and your beautiful qualities. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but when stares and compliments come your way, your self-confidence will soar, and you will feel on top of the world. And well you should bebecause you are a very special person.DIVORCE SPELLSDivorce Spells should be used in extreme cases for example if your husband has disturbed you a lot and you are tired of his tortures, you need a divorce but he is not giving you and thus your life had become miserable in such cased you may go for these powerful Spells can also be used to prevent a divorce, if there are people who are not happy with your happy family life and are trying different ways to separate you and so are insisting on a divorce then these divorce spells should be used to protect you from all such evil people so that you may have a very happy and secured married life.

+//[ALL FAILED JOBS BY OTHER DOCTORS,BRING THEM TO ME.I ALSO TRANSLATE DREAMS.ON THE WEBSITE, WE DELIVER WORLDWIDE! ANY PLACE ANY TIME. WHY SUFFERING WHILE OTHERS ARE HAPPY? THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR A GENUINE WOMAN SPIRITUAL HEALER & SPELL CASTER IN SOUTH AFRICA>AFRICA_ZIMBABWE+cities of caribbean Bahamas| Barbados| Cuba|Curaçao| Dominican Republic| Haiti| Jamaica|Puerto Rico| Trinidad and Tobago|INTERNATIONAL SPELL CASTER AND LOVE SPELL EXPERT +27737414606 MAMA SONIA{or whatsapp}My magical powers are beyond your imagination.I can cast a spell on your behalf regarding a relationship, your financial situation, future events, or whatever is important to you. I have the power and I use the power. I can change the course of your destiny. Contact me and I shall cast a spell for you. Tell me what it is you want and I shall go about my work. Is it someone or something you desire to have? Do you want wealth, or happiness, or a mate?Send me your most important desire and I shall work my powers in your favour.Spell casting has its roots in ancient cultures and times. Nowadays, witchcraft spell casting is often considered similar to prayer and meditation, channelling positive energy to help achieve your goals. The power of positive thinking has been proven time and time again to be helpful in many different situations. Our spell casters are able to focus this positive energy for you and help you achieve your goals faster and easier than if you were to try simply on our own.A skilled spell caster often employs a variety of techniques when casting our customized witchcraft, including chants, meditation, intense concentration, and other extremely personal methods. The actual act of casting a witchcraft spell can take anywhere from minutes to days, depending on the type of spell and severity of the situation.Spell casting is becoming more and more accepted by mainstream society. And for one simple reason: it works! But only if practiced by someone skilled in the art of spell casting. Our sole mission is to enhance your life -- to bring you success, happiness and fulfilment. I have been providing metaphysical services for three decades to clients in over 50 countries.Call Spell caster on: +27737414606CONTROLING YOUR OWN DESTINYIf you've been feeling like other people or circumstances keep getting in the way of what you want your life to be like, and they are somehow driving your life in a direction you don't want to go in, then this might be just the spellcaster you've been looking for!I am providing some of the most life changing moments in people's lives. Should you choose to enter the light, I invite you to choose a spell that best suits your needs.For how long have tears been rolling down your beautiful face?INTERNATIONAL SPELL CASTER AND LOVE SPELL EXPERT +27737414606 mama sonia {or whatsapp}POWERFUL LOVE SPELLS, POWERFUL MONEY SPELL, REVENGE OF THE RAVEN CURSE, BREAK UP SPELLS, DO LOVE SPELLS WORK, MAGIC SPELLS, PROTECTION SPELLS, CURSE REMOVAL, REMOVE NEGATIVE ENERGY, REMOVING CURSE SPELLS, WITCH DOCTOR, SPIRITUAL CLEANSING, AFRICAN WITCHCRAFT, HEALERS, HEALING, HEX REMOVAL, SPIRITUAL HEALING, SPELL, WICCA, WITCHCRAFT, VOODOO, SPELLS, GOOD LUCK CHARM, LOVE SPELLS, LUCKY CHARMS, GOOD LUCK, WICCA SPELLS, VOODOO DOLLS, POWERFUL LOVE SPELLS, BREAK UP SPELLS, MAGIC LOVE SPELLS, SANGOMA, TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, LOVE SPELLS THAT WORK, GAY LOVE SPELLS, MAGIC SPELLS, REAL MAGIC SPELLS, BREAKUP SPELLS, THE SPELL TO DEFEAT YOUR RIVAL, FERTILITY SPELLS, DIVORCE SPELLS, MARRIAGE SPELLS, BIND US TOGETHER, CHANGE YOUR LOVER’S MIND SPELL, BREAKUP SPELL , WEIGHT LOSS SPELL, LUCK SPELLS, NATIVE HEALER, TRADITIONAL HEALER, HERBALIST, FORTUNE TELLERoceanicAustralia|Fiji|Kiribati|Marshall Islands|Micronesia|Nauru|New Zealand|Palau|Papua New

SUM SUNG=GALAXY>ONLINE>AFRICAN>POWERFUL+SPIRITUAL-HEALER>FAMILY PROBLEMS,MARRIAGE ISSUE>BREAK UP>CHEATING+REVENGE>VOODOO>CURSE FROM>Malaysia,Ipoh,Johor Bahru,Kota Kinabalu,Kuala Lumpur,Kuching,Penang}Geniune True-Love-Spell-Caster{MAMA SONIA}Black+Magic +Love+Spells in New York/Sydney/Auckland/Toronto/California/Melbourne/London/Dubai/Qatar/Vancouver/Berlin/Paris/Tokyo/london/UK/U.S.A/Canada/Australiaore/France/ Black Magic Specialist New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoOntario, Toronto, New York, New Jersey, California,Los Angeles, San Jose,Melbourne,Sydney, Malaysia,Dubai,Uae,Kuwait, Qatar,Doha,Saudi Arabia, San Francisco,New ZealandLove Spells for Men That Work in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoSingapore,Italy,Germany,Paris, Belgium, France, Berlin,SpainSan Diego, DenmarkMarriage Problems and Solutions in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoMarriage Matching by Date of Birth in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoLove Horoscope Match in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | Tokyoover Astrology Compatibility in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoCasting a Love Spells on a Specific Person in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoLove Spells to Get Your Ex Back in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoSpell to Get Someone to Marry You in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoSecond Marriage Prediction New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoMarriage Dispute Resolution in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoPredict Future Married Life New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoSpells for a Happy Marriage in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoSpells for Marriage Proposals in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoSpells to Break a Marriage in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoBlack Magic Spells to Break Up a Marriage in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoMarriage Spell in New York | Sydney | Auckland | Toronto | California | Melbourne | London | Dubai | Qatar | Vancouver | Berlin | Paris | TokyoWiccan Spells for Marriage in Dubai | New York | London | Toronto | Sydney | Melbourne | California | Vancouver | Auckland Spell To Love Break Up Solution in Singapore | Malaysia | Kaula Lumpur | Swaziland | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria | Taiwan |Tajikistan | Tanzania |Thailand | Qatar | Doha | Dubai | Tokyo | JapanHow To Resolve Conflict In Love Marriage by Vashikaran, Mantra in in Singapore | Malaysia | Kaula Lumpur | Swaziland | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria | Taiwan |Tajikistan | Tanzania |Thailand | Qatar | Doha | Dubai | Tokyo | Japan+27717687132 0R WHATSAPP