There are many things to resist, but disease is not one of them.

What a great gladness to welcome a new born baby into the world.

You never hear someone called beautiful who neglects themselves.

Health is wealth but being wealthy does not mean one is healthy.

More than three fourths of all Americans are vitamin D-deficient.

Healthy people sleep eight hours,Wealthy people sleep four hours.

Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens

I've decided to be happy because it's good for my health.

Never look in the mirror when your stressed it’s contagious

Stop using the medical system and start using the self care system

Expect to change yourself in order to change your life experience.

Let your body move. It will give voice to a language that can heal.

Mindfulness isn't difficult, we just need to remember to do it.

With therapeutic Qigong when there is no cure, there is palliation.

When the only exorcise you get is running for a bus, get more buses!