Faraday has the Cage, Tesla has the Coil and Magee has the Sandwich!

Music, brings the soul alive.Music promotes wellness and sound mind.

It is easier to change a man's religion than to change his diet.

The best gifts anyone can give to themselves are good health habits.

...there are natural consequences for not taking care of our bodies.

The only pushup you won't be able to do is the one you never do.

You only have one day at a time to live, so live it and choose well!

I like spending time with healthy people whose brains are turned on.

There is nothing healthier for a man than to walk on his own two legs

We're all alive. We're all healthy. These are the good times.

The wisest investments are made in good health intervention activities.

Why do we tend to treasure our health best, only when it is in jeopardy?

There is no such thing as isolated stress. Stress is always system wide.

Your composite health is directly proportional to your composite wealth.

If you can't control an emotion, it is not yours. You are in control.