Experience has taught me that what you love, you should love all the harder because someday it will be gone.

I have always wanted to give you the world, so I started giving you pieces of the oceans that kept us apart.

you are ever the only onei want to giveall the peachesin my heart tothe only one by whomi want them bruised.

You know what truly aches? Having so much inside you and not having the slightest clue of how to pour it out.

Have you ever loved someone so much, you felt like your heart was going to just beat right out of your chest?

The thing I am most afraid of is love. When you say you love someone you are giving them license to hurt you.

I find I'm unable to speak, unable to move, snared in his serious gaze like some kind of frightened rabbit

Keeping busy is the hardest part. When I find myself still, clear of thoughts, I can still feel you holding me.

A shaft of sunlight pierced the dark cluds and she looked up to see a silver lining. It was a sign, she thought.

She had lost him. Lost him because she'd let him go. And she could not allow herself to regret that decision.

A dream you once were,A dream of all my realities,A dream I can no long strive forIn the wake of my manly betayals

Honor LostAmbulant sunshine piercedthe soot covered glass ~the feeble man wandered byin this ritual morning pass ...

It's a certain tragedy when agony and resentment are all you have left connecting you to someone you once loved.

I answer the heroic question, 'Death, where is thy sting?' with 'It is in my heart and mind and memories.

His calm and gentle tone was like an anchor in a ferocious sea, keeping me from drifting into a current of heartache.