Heartache makesfor good poetry,heartburnnot so much.

I love you forever. I am sorry I cannot love you now.

Maybe heartache was more normal than the absence of it.

I may tear you apart but I'll put you back together.

Don't cry over someone who wouldn't cry over you.

I encased my heart in stone so as to stop it from beating

Was I on something? Yes, love. The strongest drug there is.

The heart that bleeds, knows true heartache.-Nina Jean Slack

I thought I would die without you, in reality I was reborn...

My heart is sair-I dare na tell,My heart is sair for Somebody.

Only those relationships last forever that do not have a name.

Tears are words the mouth can't say nor can the heart bare.

You wanted to see the world. And yet, all I want is to see you.

Speak to the breeze cautiously during those lonely summer nights.

The best way to prevent a heartache was to cushion the coming blow.