This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something.

He is no longer mine to lose, but the grief is there, a gnawing sense of disbelief.

You can chase love. If you are lucky enough to catch it…is it really yours?

my own chocolate center has filled up with poison,the roses he gave me all twisted black

How can the most cruel and despicable create something as breathtaking beautiful as this?

In my sleep I have my nightmares, awake I have my thoughts, I am not sure which is worse.

Sleeping on it didn't make accepting it any easier. It seemed like a really bad dream.

Blessed are those with cracks in their broken heart because that is how the light gets in.

... how terrible is the pain of the mind and heart when the freedom of mankind is suppressed!

Caine might have smiled at her, had his heart not been breaking to smithereens inside of him.

Of all the heartache I will ever know, only some of it will be real. The rest, I will create.

Underwater madness slipping into a haze, drowning and choking in repugnant nostalgic thoughts.

I am done slowing down, giving people their time and space, letting them explore their options.

If you could burn calories just by crying... I would be a skinny woman."-Casey King, Fingerlike

You can only trust your emotions as you can lie to yourself with your brain but not your heart.