Every heart needs a cutting part sharper than a blade to stab agony

Nobody should have to choose between a cold heart and a dead heart.

When you leave,weary of me,without a word I shall gently let you go.

It is strange... the reasons one feels he doesn't deserve things.

You don't get to choose," Lincoln said. "It's just happening.

There is never a reason good enough to be out of alignment with peace.

This isn't goodbye, okay. There are no goodbyes... not between us.

She walked away too far for me to call... and for her to hear my voice.

I know who you are. I love you. I love everything about you that hurts.

Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today; and I'll always remember it

The only time you ever really lose love is when you choose to let it go.

Though sorrow may impede my heart,It is of great love to have known you.

Love is indeed its own hallucinogenic affecting the mind, heart and mood

Where are you going?" he asked."To break someone's heart," I replied.

Given a choice between goose egg and heartache, I would choose heartache.