Although she was beautiful, he knew that that wasn’t enough anymore.

Some people are lucky to find love, others must settle with being liked...

Lies and half-truths hurt not only the liar, but the people they love most.

What plagues people is not those who don't love them, but those who do.

Don't lick your wounds unless you care to taste the sting a second time.

We like to think we’re in charge of our own lives, but we ain’t.

Thank you for the pain. At least I am no longer afraid to face it next time.

My heart is kerosene, my mind a match. I’m seconds away from igniting.

That is when time stands still - when you watch the one you love, walk away.

For years I've been searching for a homeland, finally I found it in you..

I have been loved," she said, "by something strange, and it has forgotten me.

Even the Sun gets tired of rising, but he does it out of love for the Earth...

We ruined each other by being together. We destroyed each other’s dreams.

Live for what you love, and die for what you're unwilling to live without...

Only after a person has their heart broken does the world appear as it truly is.