There's a saying," Aeneas said: "Keep an eye on Greeks when they offer gifts." He spoke wryly. "Horses, particularly.

Dying a thousand deaths in my head to protect you is better than losing you one time in the flesh."~ Gustaf Ræliksen

Learning to pipe isn't easy. At first it always sounds worse than a chicken yard full of squawking adolescent roosters.

Like a spider web; the threads of her life had been woven since she was young, but she had no part in the loom's process.

Our Euripides the human,With his droppings of warm tears,and his touchings of things common Till they rose to meet the spheres.

The best historical stories capture the modern imagination because they are, in many senses, still current - part of a continuum.

The only woman who would wear a gown like this one, love, is one who knows the power she wields and isn’t afraid to use it.

I have been up too congress, and they do not seem to do anything except eat peanuts and chew tobacco while my army is starving.....

Are ye always standing like a stallion?"His low chuckle brought another wave of gooseflesh across her skin."Only when Ye're near.

Whether David believed in her affliction or not didn’t change the fact that it existed, and some day it would catch up with her. was regarded as almost outside the proper interest of an analyst to give systematic attention to a person's real experiences.

It was most troubling to find there existed a pair of lips he would allow to insult him and yet still want to kiss immediately afterward.

I mean to explore you thoroughly this time.”“Take heed, Captain. I’m prepared to answer all threats measure for measure.

Jean-Baptiste Say may have coined the term 'entrepreneur' but he totally missed the opportunity to put it on a t-shirt and sell it.

The River SwishDeftly maneuvered through the dark green abyss ~The wooden raft seemed in tune with this ~Canorous rush of theriver swish....