Love was something he had banished from his life years ago out of necessity, but she made him yearn to be loved.

The Decision...I wiped my hands on my pinaforenow sullied and stainednot crisp or pressedas it had been before...

It had never occurred to me that simply being with a fellow prisoner would make me feel like I was still in prison.

Follow your heart as long as you live...Bring your whole heart towards excellence...And no limit may be set to art.

Her breath caught when his erection shot to rigid. "Merciful Father, Ye're like a stallion with a mare in heat.

Many years ago there lived a man called Laurids Madsen who went up to heaven and came down again thanks to his boots.

Bodies lay strewn all around. Turkish and Wallachian warriors caught in the intimate indiscriminate embrace of death.

I gave you three proofs of witchcraft. A cat that drinks blood! A horse that talks! And a man who propagates POODLES!

The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form.

He breathed in hard. The stench of blood filled his lungs. Only now, for the first time, could he truly appreciate it.

If I am never to have you again after this night, this moment, you will remain the wife of my soul. Keeper of my heart.

Saturated Arrogance...she rebuked those about herin darkness did she dwella pathetic historyall mortal man would tell..

We had been through so much together, mrs. Kennedy and me. More than anyone can imagine. More than anyone can ever know.

The greatest challenge of my life has been to see and accept the actual truth without great pain and struggle against it.

I love you, Louise Downe McCord. You drive me absolutely crazy sometimes, and this is one of those times, but I love you.