If the Confederacy falls, there should be written on its tombstone: Died of a theory.

Oh, Lord, why was she doomed to adore a man steeped in blindness and utter stupidity?

The Postman rings twice, but the Insurance man rings until he collects"-Scott G. Brown

He had taken George, my beloved George, from me. And he had taken my other self: Anne.

Ien stopped her voice with more kisses, more promises of a world filled with only them.

In the deep Mysteries of the world, their belong time, still unexplored and to be explored.

Git'er DoneThey beat their swords upon their shieldsTo no beast or man would they yield

No Big Power in all history ever thought of itself as an aggressor. That is still true today.

You could have arrived atop a wildcat and no one would have said a word. They will adore you.

You are an exceedingly beautiful mystery, one that intrigues me and one that I plan to solve.

Agony's PlotA zephyr skimmedacross my creamy skingently kissingwhere the sun had been....

As we travel in time and on Equator, we will find our souls and then move in time towards time.

When you travel, take many photographs of the place to have a historical memories of the place.

It is in the elements that we found ourselves; even though the elements are not the same today.

Why, on to the castle, to kill the royal family, and claim the throne that isn't mine by right!