Express yourself, Express your life, Express the Moment, Live the life.

Sometimes people do misguided things for the most honorable of reasons.

The Element of Surprise is their in every day,It's when you wake up.

Express yourself, Express your life, Express the Moment.. Live the life.

Kenali sejarah dan leluhurmu, maka kamu akan tahu jati dirimu sebenarnya.

When you walk,go different roads that take you nowhere,and see your world.

He who writes is the martyr, seen through the eyes of the unsuspecting doll.

Charity followed the pirate. To salvation or to hell, she would soon find out.

Yes, sometimes we must lose something...someone...before we realize its worth.

The prophecy has come true! You put the sea salt in the soup...You are the one!

There are no more gates, only hinges clinging to the walls like broken spiders.

We only need to wear shoes because the British built roads which hurt our feet.

In no other type of warfare does the advantage lie so heavily with the aggressor.

The experience is much better when you know the mysteries are always the mysteries.

History is rich knowledge. In your travel, learn brief history of the place visited.