It takes Passion to bring a Vision to Life.

My bursting heart must find vent at my pen.

My Characters Tell ME Where THEY Want to Go.

Profanity is the expression of a lesser mind.

If I kiss you now, I won't be able to stop.

Change the world so that nothing else is changed.

What's good for reform is bad for the reformers

When extremists come together extreme things happen.

It touched me to be trusted with something terrible.

Were ye sent by the fairy folk? Do no' lie to me.

No, I will not join your Civil War reenactment troupe.

I must make up my mind which is right – society or I.

Even though we all know something,There is a lot more to it.

Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult.

it's not about what to think,it's about how to think.