History is the guess of old men, sometimes they get it wrong.

Archive material is vital to the writer of historical fiction.

This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.

As a historical novelist, there are few jobs more retrospective.

I'm not a very good writer. But I'm a HELLUVA re-writer.

Life is something that no one can teach you,You have to learn it.

It is surprising how many great men started out as horse thieves.

For with all that is grand, grander is the expansion of the mind.

Kegagalan untuk bersyukur adalah awal rentetan keluhan dalam hidup

Let them Teach,Let them learn,let them pray,for the world is theirs.

At least reindeer kisses do not cause me to take leave of my senses.

Patience is only a virtue when there is something worth waiting for.

Enjoy the tiny unexplainable second. You can learn whatever you want.

I love you enough to keep you from dying with me... ~ Dane de Falaise

We are exiles in Time's abyss, strangers now in the Promised Land.