What the—who the—what the fucking fuck?

A vibrator can last all night, too, vampire! - Denise

Besides my great fashion sense? I play a mean harmonica.

Her name badge read: Hello! My name is DIE, DEMIGOD SCUM!

I have a black belt in sarcasm, and my wit is like lightning.

Terrorism is just a whole other level of anger management issues.

What a cool name. Where'd you get it?""I've always had it.

It made her want to have his babies and give him both her kidneys.

Short answer 'No,' Long answer 'Yes,' with a 'But

Nobody ever goes to that store to shop because it’s too crowded.

Forgive me. I continue to underestimate the breadth of your ignorance.

Oh, hey, kettle, I’m pot and wow, you’re black.” - Owen

Will you show me what you really look like? You don't sparkle, do you?

A peevish self-willed harlotry it is.*She’s a stubborn little brat.*

Damn it! I knew she was a monster! John! Amy! Listen! Guard your buttholes.