I strive for perfection - I settle for satisfaction

Know what a symbol is?...Shit that stands for shit.

Choose old people for enemies. They die. You win.

Hey Highbrow. Next time remember to tuck and roll.

Yep, ouch. He and apologies didn’t get along.

If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.

He who laughs last ... just didn't get the joke.

Chyna Shepherd, untouched and alive and able to pee.

In small towns, news travels at the speed of boredom.

Wait. Did you just call me brave and beautiful? -Loki

DISARM ALL RAPISTSBut what will we doWith their legs?

No one could honestly say that a musical makes sense.

The early worm catches the fishies and all, you know.

Jewish vampires: We turn into cats not bats bwaaahaha

... a metaphor ... is like lying but more decorative.