Without Facebook I probably wouldn’t have wished you a happy birthday.

Facebook doesn’t ruin relationships, Getting caught in your lies does.

I remember that one time, before Facebook, when I went outside and did stuff.

It’s just Facebook, I wish people would keep it real and stop fronting.

There’s always that one person who takes a few minutes to get the joke.

Roses are red, Facebook is blue. No mutual friends, so who the fuck are you ?

Unless your name is GOOGLE…stop acting like you KNOW EVERYTHING…

Facebook is like the fridge you keep checking it but there’s nothing good.

I sometimes go to my own little world, But that’s okay, they know me there.

Facebook is like relationships. Faithful on your walls but cheating in your inbox.

I thought you were good looking, until I clicked “view more pictures”.

They say real girls ain’t never perfect, perfect girls ain’t never real.

Just think of how different the world would be if Noah had eaten those two chickens.

The Poke option is okay, but when is Facebook going to come out with a Punch option?

Wanna come over to MySpace and Twitter my Yahoo till I Google all over your Facebook?