In South Africa Mahatma Gandhi s writings often made the white racists look ridiculous: The white barber refused to cut my black hair extending colour prejudice to not only non-Christian skin but non-Christian hair as well

Leonardo DiCaprio s first onscreen kiss was with a man in the movie Total Eclipse with British actor David Thewlis The movie depicts the passionate relationship between 19th century French poet Arthur Rimbaud (DiCaprio) and his older mentor Paul Verlaine

King Charles VII assassinated in 1167 was the first Swedish king with the name of Charles Charles I II III IV V never existed Charles VII is a posthumous invention counting backwards from Charles IX (1604–1611) who adopted his numeral according to a fictitious history of Sweden

Rowan Atkinson popularly known as Mr Bean while holidaying in East Africa on Cessna 22 with his family saved his and his family s life when he had to take control of the small plane as the pilot became unconscious However the pilot who suffered from dehydration revived after sometime and they could land safely

Adolf Hitler was only 4 years old when he was saved from drowning by Johann Kuehberger from the icy waters of the River Inn in Passau Germany in January 1894 Father Tremmel told before his death in 1980 how Father Kuehberger around the same age as Hitler had seen the other boy struggling in the waters and dived in to rescue him

Eleanor Roosevelt wife of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt became the first First Lady to hold her own press conferences For her first press conference in 1933 Roosevelt had one simple rule: Only female reporters would be allowed to attend Roosevelt established this rule to ensure that newspapers would have to hire more female journalists

In February 1945 Elizabeth II joined the Women s Auxiliary Territorial Service as an honorary Second Subaltern with the service number of 230873 She trained as a driver and mechanic drove a military truck and was promoted to honorary Junior Commander five months later She is the last surviving head of state who served in uniform during the Second World Wa