If you search for Google Gravity and press I m Feeling Lucky the page will fall apart

LOL used to mean Lots of Love before meaning Laugh Out Loud when used on the internet

The forward slash character on your keyboard is also known as a slant virgule or solidus

According to IBM computers will be able to touch see hear taste and smell by the year 2018

If you d like to download a Youtube video just add ss to the URL between www and Youtube com

Turning on airplane mode while playing games on your iPhone will prevent ads from popping up

My wife and I took out life insurance policies on each other So now it s just a waiting game

One can control the volume of a YouTube video by using the up and down arrows on the keyboard

The sign was almost eliminated from the keyboard until it was used to send the first email in 1971

It would take 1 000 000 human brains to store all of the information that can be found on the internet

It would take 1 000 000 human brains to store all of the information that can be found on the internet

It would take 1 000 000 human brains to store all of the information that can be found on the internet

An exabyte is one quintillion bytes or one billion gigabytes Numerically it reads: 1 000 000 000 000 000 000

Using your phone while it s charging can damage the battery - This is why the cords for chargers are so short

SGI`s Blue Mountain super computer at Los Alamos has 1 5 terabytes of RAM more than any other computer on earth