There are 10 such countries that have navies and yet are landlocked They include Azerbaijan Bolivia Central African Republic Kazakhstan Laos Paraguay and more In Laos for example the navy protects the Mekong River It operates two to three dozen patrol boats

According to Greek Mythology humans were originally created with four arms four legs and a head with two faces Fearing their power Zeus split them into two separate beings condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves Plato s The Symposium

After the 18th Amendment was repealed in 1933 Yuengling sent a truckload of Winner Beer to President Franklin D Roosevelt of USA in appreciation which arrived the day the amendment was repealed; particularly notable since Yuengling beer takes almost three weeks to brew and age

The word Assassin is derived from a Middle Eastern religious and political sect known as Hashishins The name means hashish smoker which refers to the practice of taking hashish to induce visions of ecstacy before murdering their enemies as their religious duty They were very good at what they did

Arnold Sommerfield a theoretical physicist was doctoral supervisor to 4 physicists who went on to win Nobel Prizes in physics and academic supervisor to 2 others who also won He himself was nominated 81 times Despite of his hard work he was never able to achieve the big prize and hence died without a Nobel Prize

There is a secret pack of security cats prowling the attic and basement of the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg Russia The museum administration has been hiring these expert rodent exterminators ever since the museum was founded in 1764 These cats have made it so that rodents cannot damage the museum s artwork

An elderly Georgian woman looking for some quick cash dig to find old copper wires that she could sell for scrap Little did she realise that the wire she was cutting was a wire that delivered internet to 90% of Armenia The population of 3 2 million people including journalists at all major news stations sat twiddling their thumbs as they were left without internet services for 5 hours

The Titanic II is being built by Australian mining billionaire Clive Palmer under his company The Blue Star Line In 2016 the Titantic II will make the route from Southampton England to New York with 2 600 passengers and 900 crew members crew members on board The ship will be a nearly-exact replica of the original Titanic expect unlike the original it will have enough life boats for all those it carries

The Gulabi gang is a group of women vigilantes and activists active across North India The gang was founded in 2006 by Sampat Pal Devi as a response to widespread domestic abuse and other violence against women Gulabis visit abusive husbands and beat them up with laathis (bamboo sticks) unless they stop abusing their wives In 2008 they stormed an electricity office in Banda district and forced officials to turn back the power they had cut in order to extract bribes They have also stopped child marriages and protested dowry and female illiteracy