The New Yorker magazine now has more subscribers in California than New York.

Murphy’s Oil Soap is the chemical most commonly used to clean elephants.

Couples who have a TV in their bedroom have about half the amount of sex less.

Fathers tend to determine the height of their child, and mothers their weight.

Approximately 80% of a child’s intelligence is acquired from the mother.

72% of Americans sign their pets’ names on greeting cards they send out.

The pupil of your eye expands as much as 45% when you look at someone you love.

People who regularly play video games are faster at making real-life decisions.

A 20-second hug releases oxytocin, which can strengthen trust between 2 people.

The eldest children in families tend to develop higher IQs than their siblings.

IKEA stores are designed like mazes in order to prevent customers from leaving.

The Sahara Desert is expected to become green again in 15,000 years (17000 AD).

In 1983, a Japanese artist made a copy of the Mona Lisa completely out of toast.

An average woman spends nearly 1 year of her life trying to decide what to wear.

While 10% of the entire population is left-handed, 20% of twins are left handed.