It takes 4 seconds for a silence to become awkward.

Women look their oldest every Wednesday at 3:30 pm.

The can opener was invented 48 years after the can.

Daydreamers are better at solving complex problems.

The last name in the Toronto phone book is Zzyzzer.

The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.

It is impossible to dream when you’re snoring.

95% of our earth’s oceans remain undiscovered.

Women tend to eat more when there are no men around.

Women consume more when in larger groups of females.

The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.

September 19 is International Talk like A Pirate Day.

350 slices of pizza are sold every second in America.

82% of Americans made a purchase at Wal-Mart in 2002.

The chances of dying by laughter are 15 billion to 1.