Men who watch porn more often tend to be more optimistic.

A man’s bread grows fastest when he anticipates sex.

All of Queen Anne’s 17 children died before she did.

It is said the average person speaks only 10 minutes a day

About 5% of people daydream about sex at any point in time.

Beethoven dipped his head in cold water before he composed.

More than ten people a year are killed by vending machines.

Teddy bears and other toys kill more people than real bears.

First 3 seconds you wake up, you will not remember anything.

Thinking in foreign languages makes decisions more rational.

20% of Americans think that the sun orbits around the Earth.

Any memory you think you have before the age of 4 is not real.

If an entire family is overweight, the odds are the dog is too

In 1984, a Canadian farmer began renting ad space on his cows.

Women are more likely to date men who smell like their fathers.