The smallest island with country status is Pitcairn in Polynesia at just 1 75 sq Miles/4 53 sq Km

In most of the Middle east it is considered to polite to leave small amount of food on your plate

The most obese place in the world is Kosrae Island Micronesia where 85% of the population is obese

With 21% of it s population experiencing depression France is the most depressed country in the world

Rio de Janerio is rated as the happiest city in the world followed by Sydney (Australia) and Barcelona

Vatican City is the smallest country in the world with a population of 1 000 and a size of 108 7 acres

The term Spa is derived from a town in Belgium of the same name known for its baths and mineral springs

The longest bar in the world is 684 feet long and is located at the New Bulldog in Rock Island Illinois

Mango is the number one selling fruit in the World India is the biggest producer of mangoes in the World

King Tut became a pharaoh at the age of 9 died when he was 18 and was buried with 145 pairs of underwea

Holland is the lowest country in the world It is estimated that 40 percent of the land is below sea level

In Switzerland every house has to have a mandatory Nuclear Shelter where a person can survive for 3 months

Namibia Africa supplies the most valuable diamonds of the 18 countries in southern Africa rich with diamonds

In medieval Europe inflated pig bladders were used as balls Some say that s the origin for the term pig-skin

Till 1961 there were no roads no motor vehicles no electricity no telephones and no postal services in Bhutan