Fear Which One Is Yours? A-Z of fear: Acrophobia - Fear of Heights Aerophobia - Fear of Flying Agoraphobia - Fear of public space Ailurophobia - Fear of cats Amathophobia - Fear of Dust Arachnophobia - The Fear of Spiders Astraphobia - Fear of Lightning Claustrophobia- Fear of closed in spaces Emetophobia - Fear of vomiting Ereuthophobia - Fear of Blushing Genophobia - Fear of Sex Hematophobia - Fear of blood Keraunophobia - fear of thunder Microphobia - Fear of germs/ small things Mysophobia - Fear of dirt Nyctophobia - Fear of the dark Ochlophobia - Fear of crowds Ornithophobia - Fear of birds Pathophobia - Fear of disease Pnigophobia - Fear of choking Pteronophobia - Fear of feathers Pyrophobia - Fear of fire Triskaedekaphobia - Fear of number thirteen Xenophobia - Fear of strangers Zoophobia - Fear of animals

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