I don’t believe that love comes to those who wait. Today love comes to those who flirt. LOLz

Thinks I feel great when I go to bed drunk. I wake up feeling crap. Obviously sleep is bad for you.

Okay mom…you know I love you…but I can’t accept your friend request on Facebook.

Even if you live your life as a open book, people will still wonder which pages have secret messages.

Facebook is a crazy house People poke each other all day have an imaginary pet farm and talk to walls

Most mothers feed their babies with little spoons and forks. What do Chinese mothers use? Toothpicks?

BRB = I don’t want to talk to you. LOL = I have nothing else to say. Cool = I don’t care.

BRB = I don’t want to talk to you. LOL = I have nothing else to say. Cool = I don’t care.

Married men should forget their mistakes. There is no need for two people, to remember the same thing.

I’m usually charming, nice, and well manured, OK for those who really know me you can laugh now..

Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.

Love is 1 drink and 2 straws. Marriage is “Don’t you think you’ve had enough!”.

Want to learn how to dance? Have a cold shower today at midnight, I bet, You’ll rock like SHAKIRA

For you men who think a woman’s place is in the kitchen, remember thats where the knives are kept.

If Facebook is the Upper West Side and MySpace is the Bronx, then Tagged is a trailer park in New Jersey.